Monday, February 15, 2021

Third Army - Through France and Beyond

 I decided that this would be as good a time as any to insert a historical video about Third Army and their war efforts across France and beyond. Interestingly every time that I watch one of these historical videos I continually look for glimpses of my Dad. Of course I have never actually seen him and I am sure that hundreds or thousands of other descendants of WWII soldiers do the same thing when watching videos such as this.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

January 28, 1945 Somewhere in Germany

 Dear Sis:

Well at last, here I am again. And I guess it is about time. But I have been pretty busy as you probably know. I wrote Mom a short letter last night, and decided I had better write you tonight. Mom said you would feel bad if I didn't write to you.

I sent Mom a picture last night, but it didn't come out so good it is so dark you can't hardly make it out. but maybe you can have it made over so it will come out better. I had a picture taken about two weeks ago but it takes a long time to get them back.

You remember the guy I was telling you about, that was from Washington? Well I talked to him and he was telling me some of the fellows from Washington that are in his outfit, but they are in different Co. He said Bill Donaldson, Mack Eagle and Charles Burris and some other I didn't know. He told me Charles Burris CUT OUT FOR SOME REASON. I wonder if that is the Charles Burris we know? 

Well mail has been coming in pretty good but I didn't get any today. In one of your letters you said Jake wanted to know how much I weighed. Well I don't know as I haven't got weighed since I've been over here. But I think I have gained a little. 

Well I guess I will have to close as it is getting late and I can sure use some sleep.

Be good

